Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cleaning is dangerous!

Tuesday night, around 10:30pm, I scared the crap out of myself. I had decided to do some cleaning, since the kids are asleep. I had climbed up on the desk to dust the picture frames. I ended up knocking a picture off the wall, which knocked over the bat that we keep by the front door and made a really loud noise, and I was worried that it would wake up the kids.  I then went to step off the desk and onto the chair with the broken spring, my ankle twisted and I fell to the floor trying to catch myself. I heard my arm pop and thought that I had just broke my arm! Luckily, my phone was on the desk and I called Eric and told him to come home. He came home and checked me, but he didn't think I broke anything, but I might have sprained it pretty severely. It was incredibly painful to move it. He gave me some ibuprofen and we iced it.  I went to bed and had my arm on a pillow. Every little move that I made, would send shooting pain through my arm. I slept horribly. At 7am, I got up and took some more ibuprofen and iced it again. I was able to get some rest doing that.

I woke up and went online. I had posted in my mom's group about what had happened, asking for advice.  For non-life threatening injuries, you can make an appointment at the ER! So, I made an appointment at 12:30pm at JFK ER.  

Eric and the kids took me down there. The first doctor thought that I had dislocated my elbow. He sent  me to get an xray to confirm it. If it was dislocated, then they would have to put me in a bed give me meds to relax me and then pop it back in!  I didn't want that!

I waited and they called me to go getthe xrays. They did 3 xrays of my arm. The nurse and I were looking at them and couldn't see a break, but we weren't the experts.  I waited again for the doctor to call me.

The doctor called me back and said that nothing was broken or dislocated, so he was giving me pain meds and sending me home. The other doctor was like, no, she has a fracture.

I broke my elbow! I have a basic cast from my wrist to the middle of my upper arm, it's in a splint and a sling. They gave me vicodin and motrin. As of ast night, I had only taken the vic so far. Still in pain.

I was told that breaks in the elbow are way worse than my arm breaking! I am not supposed to drive. I have to go see an ortho doctor and they will put a real cast on it. JFK doctors and nurses were super nice!

 Look at what my wonderful hubby went and got me last night! IN-N-OUT! Yummy! 

Today, I'm feeling a little better, but it's still really painful. I woke up around 4am, in pain. Eric helped me re-wrap it, because my hand was super swollen! I then slept on the couch the rest of the night with my arm propped up, and the swelling went down. The ortho doc isn't in today, so I left a message. 

My adventure continues... 

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