Monday, October 22, 2012

Chicken sausage and fixins

My dinner

Once again comes the daily dilemma of what to make for dinner? I was going through my deep freeze to see how much chicken I had and I came across my Johnsonville chicken sausages.  I had bought seven of them, because they were on sale and I had a coupon!  Knowing that my kids love them, I pulled them out to make for dinner.  Now granted, I am not a huge fan of sausage, but these chicken sausages are so yummy!  Sometimes they can be pricey, so I watch for a sale!

Tonight, I made 3 cheese Italian style and apple! They are our favorite flavors!

A side of chicken rice

And I made some steamed veggies! My kids love carrots and broccoli.  

Today, I went the 99 Cent Only store and they had a ton of produce! I got some asparagus, two artichokes, fingerling potatoes (I've never tried those) and a seedless watermelon!   I love asparagus and so this time, I cut off more of the stalk and then stuck them in the steam basket with the other veggies! They turned out so yummy, that I ate them all! ;)  My kids don't really like them, so they got their carrots and broccoli! 

What I love about this dinner, is that it is so quick and easy!  I was able to whip it up in around a half an hour! Nice! 

1 comment:

  1. Very nice!! We like the chipotle ones, I made up a recipe for when I make them haha. Maybe I should add it to my blog later 8)

    My hubby and I both love asparagus, even tho the kids aren't big fans. I found a great recipe on Pinterest for it, and I can usually get the older 2 to each eat a stalk of it cooked that way.
