Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thankful Day 29

Day 29: What I am thankful for: My parents!

My parents

Tomorrow morning, my husband, Eric, is having hernia surgery. We were trying to figure out what we were going to do with the kids, because I, of course, want to be there with him. It is an outpatient surgery, but we weren't sure exactly how long it was going to take. My parents came to the rescue, like always. They offered to pick up the kids after my mom got off work today. The kids would spend the night and my dad would take Shianne to school tomorrow.  We were going to play it by ear about me picking her up from school tomorrow, but it looks like my dad will do that too! Eric had originally been told that he was going in at 7am and we had to be there at 6am, but now his surgery is at 8am and we have to be there at 7am.  I am just glad that we don't have to get up as early! It's going to be a long enough day as it us!   My mom said that they might keep the kids Friday night also, so Eric can get some rest!

I am so thankful that my parents have ALWAYS been there for us! They are there when I need the help or need an encouraging word and most of all, they are there to pray for me when I need it! Thanks again for ALL that you do, Mom and Dad! I don't know where I would be in this world, if it wasn't for you both! I love you!

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