A Coupon Exchange
Today, my coupon group met at my friend's house for a coupon exchange. Eight ladies and eight kids under the age of 4 makes for a fun time! LOL! I met another lady from our group whom I had not met before. We all exchanged coupons and talked about life (as any group of women would do!), as our kids played away!
We collected coupons from our friends and passed on ones that others were looking for. It is so nice to be a part of a group like that!
100 Degree Weather
I live in the Coachella Valley. For anyone who knows the Palm Springs area, you know that our summers are horribly hot! Well, that unfortunate heat is upon us! Today, we peaked at 100 degrees! It makes for no fun when the air conditioner in your car is not working. Blah! My son and I were boiling, and this is just the beginning! I had plugged in a clip on fan,
into the cigarette lighter with an adapter. I then clipped it to the
passenger seat headrest and aimed it right at my son. I will be hot, as
long as my kids are cool! It was so warm, it did little to help, but it
was something! I am SO NOT looking forward to this summer. I am going to get my A/C
fixed, so my kids don't have to suffer in the heat. And me either for that matter! ;)
15 Bean Soup
Last night around 1am, I put my 15 bean soup in a pot of water to soak overnight. The bag said that they should soak overnight or at least 8 hours. I left them soaking all night and almost all day and some of the beans were still hard.
15 different kinds of beans... they sure are pretty!
The ham bone and some ham (from the ham that I made in the crock pot on Sunday for dinner)
Some of the ingredients and a little something extra, the jalepeno
Hurst's 15 Bean Soup Recipe
Yield: approximately 3 quarts. Serves 14-16.
1 pound of ham, ham hocks, or smoked sausage
1 cup onion, chopped
1 14.5 ounce can of diced tomatoes
1 teaspoon chili powder
juice of 1 lemon
1-2 garlic cloves, minced
Traditional method
Soaking: Place beans in a large pot, cover with 2 quarts of water. Allow beans to soak overnight or at least 8 hours.
1. After soaking, drain water, add 2 quarts water and ham.
2. Bring beans to boil, reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 2 1/2 hours.
3. After simmering, add onion, tomatoes, chili powder, lemon and garlic. Simmer for another 30 minutes.
4. Add contents of ham packet 1 to 2 minutes before cooking is completed. Salk and pepper to taste.
Heidi's method
I soaked the beans for almost 15 hours. I put the rinsed beans and the ham and ham hock in the pot and brought it to a boil. Once it was boiling, I added everything in, plus 1 jalepeno for extra flavor. I made a double batch, so 2 of everything. I let it simmer for a little over 2 hours and then added the flavor packets when there was about 15 minutes left on the timer.
The finished product! It was super yummy!
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