Saturday, October 25, 2014

A possibly Nailed it Pinterest moment and fall fun...

So, I saw this recipe on Pinterest and I thought that it might be fun to try it out with the kids.  I had bought this old fashioned apple peeler at Target this week! I hate peeling apples for the kids, because I waste so much of the fruit cutting the skin off with a knife. No more of that, with this cooler peeler, it only takes the skin off! So excited, because it also cores it and slices it, all at once! Pretty cool!

First off, my munchkins helped me by opening up the caramels and putting them in the pan.  I used half the bag and put in 1 tablespoon of water.  When making the whole bag, it called for 2 tablespoons of water, so I thought that we were good!

I turned the heat on low and started stirring it as it slowly started to melt.  It started scorching at one point and I didn't even have the heat up that high! 

Peeling the apple
This was my first time using this, and it was pretty cool! I used a melon baller to get chunks of the apple out.

The kids used pretzel sticks to stick in, but it wasn't that easy and they kept breaking!

I had poured the melted caramel into a bowl, and we started to dip the apples in.  Easier said than done! LOL!  The pretzels kept pulling out and the caramel wasn't sticking!

I finally used a fork to dip the apple pieces in and then stuck a toothpick in them and put them on wax paper to harden.

My son was loving the ooey gooey caramel with the apples!

And this comes the part where it became a Nailed It Pinterest moment. LOL!  For those of you who have never seen it, there are pictures where there are perfectly done Pinterest recipes and then the second picture is your disastrous attempt! LOL! NAILED IT!  The caramel was sliding right off the apples.  Within an hour, it was an apple piece on a toothpick with a puddle of caramel around it. I read on the Pinterest pin that sometimes when you have too much water or the caramel is too hot or the apple isn't right, it just doesn't work.   But hey, the kids and I had lots of fun making them and they were tasty no matter which way you ate them! ;)

We also did a Halloween craft today.  For those of you who know me, I love me some clearance stuff and even more so, holiday clearance stuff! Well, I had picked up these Halloweens masks last year for 90% off! That's right, people, 90% off!!!  I got the masks for $0.20 each, figuring that they would be fun craft project!

My girl, the cat, and my son, the bat! 

My son and his halfway finished mask

My girl and her halfway finished mask

I didn't get a picture of the finished product, but they had fun making them!

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