Saturday, June 23, 2012

List 10 Things You Would Tell Your 16-Year-Old Self

List 10 Things You Would Tell Your 16-Year-Old Self

Wow, this challenge is going to be kind of hard. What would you tell yourself at 16? Hmmm...

1. Don't study so hard!

2. Be more confident!
3. Don't be so shy!

4. Listen to your parents! (I really did listen to my parents! It was usually my sister that was the one in trouble! I love you, Laura, in case you read this!) Even though you are 16 years old and think that you know anything and everything, you really don't!

5. It is OK that you never had a boyfriend until after high school. It took a horribly bad relationship to find Mr. Right, anyways!
6. Have some fun and a social life!

7. Don't be so embarrassed by how you feel about the guy that you were crushing on!
8. Dare to dream bigger than scholastics!
9. Don't be intimidated by the popular girls in school! 

10. You are exactly who God wants you to be! You have a lot of room to grow, but that is life and He will guide you through it!

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